

120 km road

We have opened 120 km of roads since 2016.


25 Billion EUR

Nye Veier has a big responsibility. During the next 20 years, we will build roads and railway in Norway for 25 Billion EUR.


The future of infrastructure

Our road portfolio was officially received from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in 2016 and was last expanded in 2021 following the release of the new National Transport Plan.

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Our philosophy

The Norwegian Parliament created nye Veier in 2016 to establish a sleek, efficient and specialised construction organisation. Our mission is to plan, build, operate and maintain traffic secure significant roads. Our roads reduce travel time, connect living- and labour market regions, and provide fewer casualties in traffic.
We believe in:
  • Comprehensive planning and development.
  • Construction of longer road stretches at a time.
  • To earlier involve the turnkey to get the best solutions.
  • To challenge the established by applying new solutions, material choices and project methodologies.

Nye Veier is a state limited company wholly-owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport.

Portfolio priority

The Norwegian Parliament has given Nye Veier a mandate to prioritise the build-order of the projects by socio-economic profitability:
  • The social net benefit for society.
  • The number of accidents on the road.
  • The possibility of comprehensive construction of long stretches at a time.
  • Maturity of the stretch
  • EU-requirements such as requirements for security in tunnels.
  • The extent to which the projects contribute to more benefit to local communities.

The stretches in the development portfolio with high socio-economic profitability are prioritised over those with low/negative socio-economic profitability. This philosophy provides a strictly rational reasoned order in regards to what we should build first.

Corporate Social Responsibility & HSEQ

Corporate Social Responsibility and HSEQ (Health, Environment, Safety and Quality) are central to Nye Veier's operations – both in our actions and in regards to our suppliers. The requirements for ethical standards at all our partners are high.

Carbon footprint

Nye Veier will cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 % from the construction phase and 75 % from the operating period. This goal is part of our overall goals, including increased benefit, increased traffic safety and reduced cost.


To achieve the goal of holistic and cost-effective planning, development and operation & maintenance of our highways, Nye Veier looks for innovative, energetic and smart people.